第19届杭州亚运会 Daraz让南亚女子板球运动员 离梦想更近一步


女子板球已经走了很长一段路,但还需要做更多的工作才能给予它应有的关注。了解 Daraz 如何帮助这些有抱负的板球运动员将他们的梦想变为现实。

第19届杭州亚运会官方电商平台Daraz成功开展青年赋能活动,Daraz赞助了来自孟加拉国、斯里兰卡和尼泊尔的三名有抱负的女子板球运动员前往杭州观看亚运会的全额付费旅行。通过为她们提供一个独特的机会,让他们在这项享有盛誉的赛事中亲眼目睹女子板球比赛,Daraz 旨在为女性在体育运动中的成长和赋权做出贡献,让她们离梦想更近一步。


通过这一举措,Daraz 为这些崭露头角的青年运动员提供了成长为职业板球运动员的机会,让他们见证国际水平的比赛并向世界上最好的球员学习——这些机会对他们来说是无法获得的。这种经历也是自我发现的经历之一,因为这些年轻女士在中国杭州第一次离家时学到了很多关于自己的知识。



“这次经历标志着许多令人难忘的第一次的开始:我第一次坐飞机,离开斯里兰卡,等等。我非常感谢 Daraz 给我这个机会,它变成了一次自我发现、灵感和重申我对板球的热情的旅程。

"This experience marked the beginning of many unforgettable firsts: my very first time taking a plane, travelling out of Sri Lanka, and more. I cannot thank Daraz enough for this opportunity, which turned into a journey of self-discovery, inspiration, and a reaffirmation of my passion for cricket."


- Tharusha Fernando,18岁,斯里兰卡板球运动员




"This opportunity was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and I cannot thank Daraz and the Cricket Association of Nepal (CAN) enough for nominating me. I learned so much on this trip about the different aspects of life, and, of course, about cricket."


- Khushi Dangol,21岁,尼泊尔板球运动员




"I tried so many new things for the first time and learned a great deal about myself and others on this trip. Gained invaluable insights into the game itself, which I believe will help me improve my skills as a cricket player. Thank you, Daraz, for this incredible opportunity!"


- Nuzhat Sabah Firdaus,23岁,孟加拉国当地板球运动员




集团首席营销官 Cheryl Ang 分享道:

“Daraz 成立于八年前,旨在通过商业的力量提升社区,今天,我们的使命保持不变。Daraz 认识到支持有抱负的运动员和在国际层面推广女子板球的重要性,并致力于在全球舞台上代表南亚。看到这段经历如何对这三位年轻女士的生活产生持久的影响,并见证她们如何因对板球的共同热爱而结缘,真是令人振奋。这进一步坚定了我们支持更多赋予大南亚社区权力的举措的决心,我们迫不及待地想看看接下来会发生什么。

"Daraz was started eight years ago to uplift communities through the power of commerce, and today, our mission remains unchanged. Daraz recognises the significance of supporting aspiring athletes and promoting women's cricket at an international level, and aims to lead the charge in representing South Asia on a global stage. It's heartening to see how this experience has made a lasting impact on the lives of these three young ladies, and witness how they bonded over their mutual love for cricket. This has only further cemented our resolve to support more initiatives that empower the greater South Asian community, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for us next."

作为阿里巴巴国际数字商务集团的一员,Daraz致力于支持体育和文化活动,并提升南亚社区。这一举措只是实现这一愿景的众多步骤之一,Daraz 仍然致力于提升和支持该地区服务不足的社区。